Thursday, June 22, 2017

**Rating System Update**

So after some thought, I've decided on updating the rating system,à la 1.1.
It seems to me a 10 scale for accessories may be excessive out of 40 total points.
After all, there are some really great figures out there that you could buy, but don't necessarily come with an accessory or very few anyway. Maybe they weren't meant to! It's not like every comic book, video game or cartoon character needs extra things. Some of you may debate this vis-a-vis having extra hands and heads, and I don't argue that.
That said, my rules mates!

So here's the new accessory rating system:

1 = No accessories, or 1 accessory. It may be lacking in some detail or paint. 
2 = 1-3 Accessories, usually extra weapons. Decent detail and/or paint. 
3 = 2-5 accessories. This may include extra hands or effects/swap-able pieces. 
4 = 5+: Extra hands, maybe a head, weapons and other good pieces.
5 = Nearly everything you could want given the character! All well done. 

So of course, with that, we only have a 35 point system. Who wants to count in scales of 5? Not I! Divisible by an uneven prime number? No thanks! Sorry prime numbers, go whine to Optimus for sympathy. We need to get another 5 points back.

With that, I will introduce the Fun Factor system. This is the most subjective of all rating systems. I mean, basically, this is where I get to skew the system in my favour, simply because I can get a lot of poses and fun out of the figure. I've learned in the course of these reviews that some figures I've had the most positive experiences with get left on the wayside. Some figures have poor articulation, or are pretty much gone off the market forever, but I would tell someone anyway that they have excellent dynamic shelf look and....well, fun!
So here it goes:

Fun Factor:
1 = Figure is poorly balanced, many QC issues, difficult to pose in anything other than the standard standing "vanilla" pose. Likely to break with "over-play"
2 = Figure can balance, has some variety in poses. Solid, and unlikely to break with play. 
3 = Figure can balance in a variety of poses. looks good on the shelf, compares well to other figures in its line or universe. Very good aesthetic look and mix of glossy and matte.  
4 = Lots of fun, the way the sculpt and paint work out create a dynamic, solid figure that balances in tons of poses. May even be able to balance on one foot! 
5 = This is a top 10 figure. Tons of fun, great poseability. You'll probably never get rid of this figure, according to me anyway! 

Disclaimer: This is once again open to change. This part is one I can appreciate more than the past rating system, but we'll see!

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