Wednesday, February 14, 2018

DC Direct - Martian Manhunter

How do you top a Kryptonian with super strength, speed, stamina, flight, heat vision, freezing breath and nigh invulnerability? Easy! A martian who can do all those things, and more!
J'onn J'onzz is Martian Manhunter, a being who even Superman said: "He is the most powerful being on the face of the Earth".  - JLA #80

I really like the character of Martian Manhunter. He's got a gentle, compassionate personality as well as being very badass in his ability to do...just about anything! Super-everything, invisibility, shape-changing are just a few of his powers. Like Supes, they had to sneak in ONE weakness, which is fire...because! Later on, writers created this as a built-in psychosomatic effect to J'onn's race in order to prevent them from regressing to a more domineering, aggressive, conquest-type of race. They later removed this weakness completely. Oh, writers! 

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

DC Icons - Robin (Super Sons pack)

Damian Wayne is the 13 year old progeny of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul. Raised by his mother and his grandfather, Ra's Al Ghul, he is dropped at Batman's door. He starts out very self-important, lacking in empathy and an extremely deadly fighter.

Even though he can act like a real dick (pun intended), I have a soft-spot for Damian. He's got a very distinct personality, and he experiences real character growth in the comics. He also is pretty good at kicking butt and executing a very independent version of Robin.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

DC Icons - Superboy (Super Sons pack)

Johnathan Samuel Kent is the latest and greatest version of Superboy from the DC Rebirth comics. He is the 10 year old half-Kryptonian child of Superman and Lois Lane who has begun to gradually gain his powers. They are inconsistent powers, and fluctuate with his emotional state, but are impressive nonetheless!

He joins Robin (Damien Wayne) in the comic series Super Sons to fight various foes alongside allies like the Teen Titans. Super sons was actually a comic series created long before Rebirth in 1973. In that older series, it was Clark Kent Jr. (Of Clark and Lois) and Bruce Wayne Jr.(Of Bruce and Talia), who were basically young versions of their fathers.