Sunday, June 18, 2017

DC Collectibles Joker (Red Hood version) Arkham Origins

The funny thing about Arkham Origins is that it doesn't really spend much time with Batman's origin story (unless you buy some DLC), but focuses more on Joker's origin. This makes sense, given most people's familiarity with Batman. There isn't much else to tell there.

Origins uses the 1988 storyline from The Killing Joke to tell Joker's story. There is even a part of the game where you play as Joker and walk through his memories to how he became who he is. 
Jack Napier, the ex-comedian, is forced into a heist at ACE Chemical plant. He dons the red capsule and cape of the Red Hood, the "spokesrobber" if you will, for the group. An encounter with Batman dumps him into the chemical pool which causes the skin and hair dyeing as well as pushing his sanity right over the edge. 

This figure seems like an afterthought. I don't own a ton of Origins figures, but I'd have to say from reviews I've watched and read, this is probably the worst. The articulation is limited, the figure comes with no accessories and there isn't an actual head underneath the hood part. It seems like with both Joker and Deathstroke a second head would have been a good choice. 

Sculpt&Paint: 5/10 Okay. Most of this figure is sculpted with few painted parts. There is some paint for the shirt, two tone shoes, belt buckle and vest. The sculpted wrinkles in the pants and shirt is well done. I like that the black jacket and cape are a very soft plastic that doesn't limit movement. You can even pose the jacket as if it is flipping back in the wind. Not a ton of detail here and no shading really. 

Articulation: 4/10. 16 points. This figure is several steps backwards in terms of articulation. The elbows and knees don't make it 90 degrees, the ankle swivel is hard to move given the hard pant hem design without worrying about breaking the joint and the shoulders are just swivel, not ball jointed. Even the first Arkham Asylum figures had ball jointed shoulders. 

Price/Availability: 8/10 Good! The deal is still on! See post on Deathstroke for details. This assumes you don't mind buying all three at a good price. For the single this is more like a 6/10.

Accessories: 0/10: None. As previously mentioned, I'd love it if they had the other joker head, instead of making you buy the regular one (or have the regular one with the red hood head piece). 
Alternate hands that could hold any of the weapons he had in the game. His knife or the bazooka he uses in the Bane scene would have been great. 

Verdict: 17/40 Slightly better than the Arkham Asylum Joker given price, but really lacking in most other areas. I looked up the original figure with the regular head, and the paint on that one is fairly poor. You'd think given he was a main antagonist in THREE of the games, they'd have done a better job?

You can blame the odd shaped helmet
on the 50s

Flapping in the breeze!


Hey it came with a cape, so he
tried to fly. 


  1. Replies
    1. I know, "Outrageous!" as Aquaman would say. The Origins design was pretty poor. He didn't wear a sweet bow tie at any point in that game. Troy Baker did do a good job of the voice, however. It's no Mark Hamill, but what are you gonna do?
