Sunday, February 12, 2023

McFarlane Toys Genestealer - Warhammer 40k

While I did like the colour scheme and look of the Blood Angel Space Marine chapter and made them my primary sci-fi models when I started the miniature hobby, I did think the other armies also looked pretty cool. The Tyranid race is a cool, dangerous look space alien that likely inspired things like the Zerg from Starcraft. A foundational footsoldier of that army of colonizing aliens is the genestealer, a many-armed clawed creature who is fast and deadly at close range. They reproduce by using their tongue as an ovipositor into victims, directly injecting their viral DNA into the host. The DNA slowly takes over, converting the (usually human) into a Genestealer cultist, a sort of part human part Tyranid that continues to spread the virus across the planet. 

I love the dynamic attacking look, and I needed some kind of enemy for the one Space marine I had for battle! I'm not keen on necessarily doing army building or collecting the other 40k offerings McFarlane has, but I would probably buy a cool Aeldari or something like a Terminator if they did come out with them. 

This figure does the many armed thing well and has good paint application. You can get it into all kinds of interesting dynamic poses! I love it even though it's not, particularly my favourite army in 40k! 

Sculpt/Paint: 3/3 For the price, McFarlane has done an excellent job with this. Not a ton of shading but very well sculpted and painted just like the classic box cover miniatures of the model. 

Articulation: 3/3 (30+ points) I'm always impressed when a company does a non-human figure well, especially with the animal-like hind legs. This one is really well-balanced in many ways. The diaphragm doesn't move much more than to function as a swivel, but the arm options for posing make up for this lack. 

Accessories: 1/1 There aren't any here aside a stand, but there aren't supposed to be anyway. It's all good! 

Fun Factor: 2/3 Really fun to play with and pose in all these attacking positions and does a great job grabbing onto other figures. Love it! 

Verdict 9/10 Worthy: Very much worth even if you're not crazy about 40k necessarily. It subs in well as a vicious alien creature on your shelf and looks great. Can't go wrong here! 

That is a  really well done monstrous face. 
The tongue is really well painted, very shiny look!

The back

Pretty well balanced but with the way the
feet are you kinda need a stand

it's so easy to move this figure's joints around 
and position them well! I wish all McFarlane toys 
were this easy to pose

I love all the dynamic looks you can get here
with the extra limbs

"Give us a hug!"

Classic stand off

Playing any 40K games the 
Genestealers always seem to outnumber you,
sneaking around corners and overwhelming
your squad.


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