Saturday, February 18, 2023

Kaiyodo Asian Giant hornet - Revogeo

Occasionally, I'll purchase or be gifted a figure I was not anticipating. This is one of those! I had seen Kaiyodo previously release a beetle and scorpion, thinking they were really cool looking but at the time not sure if my action figure budget could sustain the purchase at the time. Ultimately I didn't have to make that decision because this was a wonderful birthday gift! 

The Revogeo line is a set of realistic animal figures created by Kaiyodo with amazing accessories and moving parts that use the Revoltech joint system. I absolutely love this figure, and it being from my Japanese in-laws, reflects the absolute terror everyone has for the Asian Giant hornet or Suzumebachi (literally "murder hornet". I have personally never seen one (and was slightly disappointed) despite warning signs of them when I was on Miyajima island in Japan. 

This figure has a TON of range in every segment of its body. It has a better abdominal crunch in the thorax end than most humanoid figures, replaceable wings, moving jaw parts and a stinger that can unsheath with some finagling! The stand attachment is good and while this is one of my first Kaiyodo figures, I've heard of the number of extra joints it comes with in case of breakages and that's always a good thing. 
Sculpt/Paint: 3/3 The figure is extremely well-detailed and realistic to the actual insect it is modelled after. Very cool!

Articulation: 3/3 (A millionty) There are so many revoltech joints here, each allowing a 3-point movement. It's pretty amazing. The legs have two sections of this each (so x6), then the abdomen and neck both have a ball joint that allows for crazy amounts of range. Both mandibles are on ball joints as are both antennae. The wings are mobile as well. Lots of appreciation for how the stinger unfolds a bottom abdomen piece then comes out and retracts. Very cool engineering here! 

Accessories: 1/1 Aside from instructions, it comes with a stand and two stand pieces, one for sitting low and one for flying poses. It also comes with relaxed wings you can plug in when not in a flight pose. They threw in a bunch of extra small Revoltech joints for the legs in case of breakage. 

Fun Factor: 3/3 This is definitely a top-10 figure. It's fun to mix and match with just about anything and is super poseable. It's fun to put in a lot of scenes and shelves and despite the tiny legs you can get it balanced a bit without the stand. 

Verdict 10/10:  This is just such a neat addition. It can go anywhere in your display, is fun to pose and very realistic looking. I would definitely get other bugs in this Revogeo line! 

Very pro looking box!

The accessories

There is so much you can do with just the 
mandibles and antennae alone

The three sections of the abdomen before the stinger
and thorax joint work really well too

Mad break-dancing hornet!

This piece is connected by a really strong magnet

This gives you room to open up the middle of the end piece

Retract the stinger, close, and clip back on the magnet
and viola! 

Looks painful! 

Nice details inside for the mouthparts!

Batman has another fear! 

Hornet interpretive dance! 

Two-legged stand! 

"So then I says to him I says...!"

Look at me, I'm human! Would you like
advice on your car insurance?!

"You're not even doing it right!"

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