Monday, July 17, 2017

Marvel Legends Nick Fury - Marvel Cinematic Universe

Ok, so full disclosure - I have a few Marvel Legends figures I got for dirt cheap because I am slowly getting into customizing. I am by no means collecting them, since I think as a collector unless you have a huge disposable income, you just can't collect them all (Sorry Ash). I am judiciously sticking to DC, some video game models, and some SH Figuarts, and that's plenty for now.  I actually bought this figure so that I could take parts of him and create the DC character Midnighter.

Side note:I generally enjoyed nearly all the movies from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (referred to as MCU from now on). I didn't care all too much for the Thor movies, mostly because I don't find the character especially interesting. That said, I'm keen on Ragnarok!

Ok, back on topic. Samuel Jackson plays Nick Fury here, and they did a good job with the character redesign. He's especially kick-ass in Winter Soldier. The figure based on him has a fairly good (75%) likeness to the actor. I really like the glossy black sheen of his coat and boots. I like that they put in some very nicely fitting holsters for his two weapons as well.  Though they sculpted the pants to be pretty baggy, it doesn't limit his articulation too much. What DOES limit it tough is that his trench coat is REALLY inflexible and it makes it almost impossible to keep him balanced. Add to that, they didn't put in a good ankle joint or even a boot cuff swivel, so it's pretty hard to put him into poses with his legs. His diaphragm joint is almost as useless as Nightwing's but just has a bit more movement.

Sculpt/Paint: 6/10: Solid. There isn't the most paint on this figure, but it's got a good balance of gloss, everything is fairly clean. and the likeness is very good. I wish they had used a softer material for the coat and made another hand a gun-holding hand.

Articulation: 7/10: 24 points: Good (sort of). Most Marvel legends have roughly this amount of articulation. It seems to be the sweet spot for their production value while also keeping fans happy about poses you can get him into. That said, no ab crunch and a bad diaphragm joint. Add to that, this number should be 22 since those ankle joints are almost worthless.

Price/Availability: 7/10: Good. If you made the connection, I bought him off eBay and there are still a few left at his original price or slightly lower.

Accessories: 2/5 Decent. He comes with his two guns. It's a shame he can only really hold one at a time! The guns are painted alright though I'm not sure if I remember his guns having a blue line to them in the movies.

Fun Factor: 1/5 Bleh! I definitely did not buy this figure for it's shelf look. He is hard to balance even in a standing pose, and his one hand is really loose in the wrist socket and comes off easily.

Verdict: 23/40 Decent overall. In the sense of sculpting, paint and likeness, he's a good figure, but design leaves something to be desired.

If only he could hold both..*tears*

The left gun kept falling out, so he's gonna have to either
throw it or pistol whip a fool!

There's the jump shot! 

At the ready. Sort of. See left hand.


  1. Hey, a figure we both own! I agree that he's a decent figure but definitely has a few issues. I'm curious, did you get the whole 3-pack with Phil Coulson and Maria Hill or just the BAMF Fury himself?

  2. I got him loose and solo specifically so I could use the coat and maybe the arms for Midnighter. That said, seems like it might be nice to have those other two!
