Thursday, July 20, 2017

Marvel Legends Ironfist - Allfather BAF wave

I'll admit before Netflix's Ironfist series I had very little to know idea who Ironfist was. Now that I've learned more, I like his character and design. I can't say I was super impressed with the actor or script made for Danny Rand in the show, but perhaps in Defenders, it won't matter as much.

Like Nick Fury, this one is destined for customization! The head I'll likely use for Midnighter where the body will be for Apollo. That said, the figure is really good. There is tons of articulation, lots of ways to get him into great poses, and the white and gold creates a nice bright feel. He has some interesting blue shading on the white and comes with quite a few sets of alternate hands for different kung fu and dynamic poses. Very solid! He technically came as a build-a-figure for All-Father (Odin), but since I got him on a deal from eBay, this was not part of it.

Sculpt&Paint: 7/10 Good. They did a nice job of the paint and sculpt. The body is lean without being a Spiderman body and he is pretty well painted. I find the blue shading to highlight the white doesn't really work very well. But! Shiny shiny golds on white!

Articulation: 8/10: 27 points. Awesome. He pretty much has everything you could hope for in articulation while still preserving the overall look. He's got butterfly joints, double jointed...everything! Even his head was designed so he can practically look straight up. You don't get much better without have extra pieces that move and/or

Price/Availability: 7/10: Good. He's at his original price on Amazon and can be found at a good discount on eBay.

Accessories: 3/5 Good. He comes with two punch hands, two flat hands, two claw grip hands, and one talon grip hand.. He technically came with one of Odin's legs as well. The one thing they could have added instead of more hands would've been energy effects for his actual...Iron fists!

Fun Factor: 3/5 Good! He's got pretty good balance and is fun to pose. If it wasn't for him becoming parts for another figure, I'd probably have him displayed all the time.

Verdict: 28/40 Good figure with lots of poses and looks possible with the different hands. Super articulated and well proportioned for his character. Nice!

I wish I was this flexible! 
Flat hand

Kick with tiger claws! 

That's his eagle talon hand


Look at that high kick! 

So much balance! 

New articulation test: Lick your elbow! This one comes
pretty close. Closer than I could ever! 

Extra hands! But where are the
jazz hands to dazzle his opponents??!

1 comment:

  1. I am a pretty big Iron Fist fan. I think I've read almost all of his solo comics. I don't know how much I like the gold/white colour scheme on this guy though. The sculpt and articulation seems better than the first Marvel Legends Iron Fist figure. That guy was in the "classic" Iron Fist costume with the ridiculous collar that no martial artist would ever wear and his leg broke off almost immediately. The alt-hands are nice but it would've been cool to have an effect part/glowy hand.
