Monday, June 7, 2021

DC Collectibles Batman (Detective Mode) - Arkham City

There's not a ton to say about this Batman I haven't covered in other Arkham Batman reviews. He's a lot like the first Arkham City Batman release (limited articulation, small hands, cape off the shoulders), and similar in articulation to this one: Arkham Asylum Batman Review. This model shows off the Detective Mode that Batman enters in the game that allows you to see through floors, walls, and ceilings. Everything is in a shade of blue, where enemies and traps are n some kinds of orange. It was an important game mechanic that allowed you to track crime scenes and enemies for stealth takedowns. I loved it!  

This one must've been a pretty easy paint job, but the sculpt is nice and I like how shiny the blues are. The only real bonus to owning this one if you already have others like it is the bat gadget he comes with: the REC (Remote electrical charge) gun. It was part of the set lot I ordered, so no loss here! You can still find him pretty cheap (20 CAD or less) in most places like eBay or third-party sites. 

Sculpt/Paint: 2/3 Sculpt is good here since it's the same as the other one, but the hands are SO tiny and the figure doesn't always scale well with other Batmen in the same Arkhamverse. It's odd. The head is also a bit small, while the blue paint is slightly sloppy in some places. 

Articulation: 2/3 (15 points): He has some basic swivels at the boot, wrists and pelvis, no waist twist, decent swivel at the neck, and hinge swivel shoulder joints. His elbows and knees are fairly limited but get to 90 degrees so that's no so bad. 

Accessories: 1/1 He comes with the REC gadget which, don't quote me on, but I don't think you can get it with any figure other than the newer Arkham Knight. 

Fun Factor: 1/3 After collecting a few Arkham Batmen and with the release of the McFarlane Arkham Asylum and Knight, this one doesn't hold a huge place on my shelf for value. It's cool to look at though! Just not going to do much on the shelf except look blue! 

Verdict: 6/10 Limited It's not very everyone and unlike the villains, it doesn't necessarily accentuate your collection by filling a spot you needed. If you like the look though or are a completionist it's fairly easy to buy cheap! 

Kinda bumpy paintwork on the face and cowl
but very clean bat symbol

Seems like they tried several different cape sculpts 
between the different Arkham Batmen. 

not bad! 

So I said he comes with a REC
gun but the lot seller gave me 
(a few) wrong accessories. This is the
grapple from the newer McFarlane
Arkham Asylum Batman

Grapple up! 

Comparison! So he's a bit different in leg proportions
compared to the others with a thinner noggin. Not 
as drastic as I thought though. 

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