Sunday, June 30, 2019

Do you even Bootleg? Mafex Batman Justice League Edition

Before I got my hands on a legitimate copy of the Mafex Justice League Batman, I managed to buy a bootleg off eBay that I did not realize was a bootleg until past the date of return. It was well done enough that the smaller details had escaped my notice, and by the time I actually handled the figure a while longer, went to youtube to confirm my fears! A FAKE! No justice here.

Now it's time to play a game! 

Let's play: Do you even Bootleg? 

The game where you flex your critical eye and action figure savvy to figure out which is real and which is the bootleg!

The rules are as follows:

- Each picture has a real and fake version. All you have to do is guess left or right. 

- Above the picture is a spoiler tag that will reveal the real one and the differences. Get 1 point per correct guess! No cheating!

- Add up your total at the end. You can either chose to simply beat your friend OR if you can attain a score of 7 or higher out of 10, you are a MASTER OF CHINESE GOODS! Ok, that's not fair. Not all knock offs are from China...but you'll be like, really good at deciding if something is a bootleg...ok?!

Here we go!
1. Left or Right?

2. Ok, maybe that one was easy. Left or right?

3. Also easy, ok let's get into body parts! Left or Right?

4. Left or Right?

5.  Which gappy drop down hip is it?

6. Which belt? 

7.  This is pretty difficult.

8. This is tricker and much harder to tell. Left or right?

9.  Accessory time! Which grenade launcher?

10.  This is also pretty hard to tell

11. Left or Right set of Batarangs!

12. Left or Right grapnel gun?!

13.  Which set of hands?

14. Which head? A bit easier

15. Finally...WHICH BATMAN?!?! 

If you managed to get 11 or better, good job! Here goes the victor!

Overall, I don't mind keeping this bootleg, since it was only 30 ish Canadian shipping included (there's ANOTHER tip-off that it was probably not super legitimate! Oh well!)
That's all the bootleg fun for now, but I do have another (got my money back this time, but kept the figure). Once I get the real copy, we'll do this again!

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