Sunday, June 23, 2019

DC Collectibles The Electrocutioner - Arkham Origins

A few people have donned the name Electrocutioner, and in previous versions, he is an extreme vigilante who kills criminals. Just like the Arkham Origins version, he has a suit with wiring and gloves that release a charge upon contact to either kill or stun his enemies. This version is the alter-ego of Lester Buchinsky, who uses this one trick pony as a killer for hire. He's sought after by Black Mask in Origins as one of the 8 Assassins (My current count: 4. I'm still missing Bane, Firefly, Deadshot and Killer Croc...though I do have A version of them). He's easily defeated by Batman and then cast aside for his incompetence. Batman recovers his shock gloves though and uses them as a cheap combo trick AND a few cut scenes later on.

The figure is probably the best of the two pack. His articulation is still wildly all over the place, but the look is nice. I also thought it was ingenious of the sculptor to allow the yellow gauntlet wires to be detached so you can move the forearm swivel (or exchange the gloves) and then reattach them in a pose. He is bulky, heaving and imposing as he should be. They did a pretty good job of his scarred face as well and added some nice paint throughout the suit.

Sculpt/Paint: 5/5 It isn't a perfect paint job, but it' definitely one of the best of the batch. There are a mix of washes and highlights here, bright colours for the wiring, a nice gunmetal drybrush for the metal parts and a really good body mould that shows off a tough, imposing Electrocutioner.

Articulation: 3/5 (18 points): Despite a few extra joints, he's about as poseable as Shiva. He's got boot and glove swivels, single jointed elbows, double jointed knees, ball hinge shoulders and a VERY restricted waist swivel due to his armour. He can still crouch and do a few things, but not a ton.

Price/Availability: 5/5 See Shiva and Dr. Harleen Quinzel!

Accessories: 2/5 He comes an extra pair of hands so you can mix and match closed fists or open grabbing hands. I like it! I think it would've been cool if you could plug the gauntlet on Batman's arms to create his using them as gadgets in the game.

Fun Factor: 2/5 He's a nice solid figure and stands out among the Batman villains. He looks good in the rogue's gallery even if you're not going to place him in a lot of dynamic fight scenes. He's heavy though! Careful of his ability to domino effect pieces in his way!

Verdict: 17/25 Good He's pretty good on his own as a figure, and if you want an imposing armoured figure, he's got a good look to him. I think he'd be much improved with some electric effects, a full waist swivel and some improved articulation for the legs but the fact they made him is what counts.

Pretty good face sculpt!

Tons of great details here

These would've been even more awesome if you could
swamp them with Arkham Origins' Batman's gauntlets

I'm-a kill you, then I'm-a jump start your heart,
- and kill you again!

Easiest of the 8 assassins to take down...mostly cause it's
a cutscene. Boo Origins for taking away a boss fight
from the players!

"Alfred, I've secured a cheap Combo increasing gadget
that will make any fight hella easy"

The three pack three! Still worth it!

He just wishes he had a full fight in the game

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