Monday, May 8, 2017

DC Direct Harley Quinn: Arkham Asylum

Although true to the character of Harley Quinn, the Arkham games had a radically different take on her appearance, with Asylum being the most drastic. With the Asylum under control of the Joker, Harley Quinn adopts the image of a highly sexualized nurse. Gone are the black and red contrasts, replaced with burgundy reds and azure blues. 

Fantastic details in this one. She comes with a Titan venom injection gun and lots of great paint details. Rivets, blood spatter, collar, boot designs and even buckles on the corset. The poseability is about the same as others in the line, which is to say limited. Apparently, a re-release of this figure came with another accessory; Quincy Sharp's cane used to beat him. Ouch. 

Sculpt & Paint: 8/10 Great details in on just about everything down to the great print on her Asylum ID card. Sculpts were pretty good here too. 
Articulation: 3/10 13 Points of articulation again. Better to balance than some female figures due to the platform shoes. 
Price/Availability: 4/10 Harder to find than some, but on eBay one was regular price. Amazon and other sources it's at a higher mark up (anywhere from 60$ and up)
Accessories: 4/10 Even though it's just one accessory, it is a detailed, well painted and sculpted one that is true to its appearance in the game. It also fits very well in her left hand with the trigger finger. 

Verdict: 19/40 Not bad, but sometimes hard to stand. Great details, however. 

This gun injected quite a few people!

As much as I appreciate costume variances, the purple mask
just makes me think of raccoon eyes.

It is awesome if you can read this

Cue slow motion firing, despite the fact it's not really a gun per se

"Ready for your medicince, suga?!"

Like two crazies in a pod

Emotionally psychopathic love always...erm...*fill in the blank*?


  1. I have to say I've never warmed to any of the Harley Quinn redesigns. The original is just so classic. The new costumes seem to exemplify all the worst aspects of modern comics' and video games' attitude toward women.

    1. I agree with that. From the games to the newer comics and Suicide squad movie look, it has raised up that damaging attitude. This is one of the few complaints I have about the game series: most of the female characters are overly sexualized.
