Sunday, January 16, 2022

McFarlane Toys Primaris Space Marine Hellblaster - Warhammer 40,000


Ral Partha and Warhammer/Warhammer 40K were the first things that got me into the miniature painting hobby. Typically 28 mm in scale, assembling, painting, detailing and putting decals on these was an obsession of mine in high school. It was just fun! I did actually play a few games after building up a small army of Blood Angel space marines, but never quite had the money for anything large like a tank or dreadnought. Anyway! Noticing McFarlane has been making a few of these, I passed on most of them, but there's a couple I'm interested in. I had to pick this one up because it just SANG Blood Angel to me. A few things have changed since I played the game, namely the Primaris title. I guess they are an even more advanced space marine. Ok! 

There are many cool people that do this hobby, but unfortunately, it does seem to attract a lot of bigots. To be fair the primary story doesn't really make you feel morally good about any particular side. Everyone is basically just teams of space colonizers in one form or another, or being oppressed by Space Marines. 

That said, this is a huge, bulky, and amazing figure representation. I love the colours, detail and I'm very very surprised at how easy it is to pose. It may have a lot to do with the weight and heft, to be honest! I probably won't collect lots from the 40k line, but at least a few Zer...I mean Tyranids! and maybe any more Blood Angel-looking ones. This one also had a gold label Lieutenant release which looks great. 

Sculpt/Paint: 2/3 The sculpt is fantastic and very accurate to the miniatures. The bulkiness and size comes alive in this figure and translates well to a genetically altered human wearing bulky war armour. The paint is fairly clean for the most part, but as usual, there are some things that stand out. The backpack is completely unpainted which is weird. You think they'd at least throw some black or something onto the backpack's vents or rivets or something. AS an aside, all these Warhammer 40k figures can be bought as "Artists proofs" which means unpainted. But like....I already have to touch up McFarlane's sloppy work, why would I want to have to do the whole thing for the same price!?!?

Articulation: 3/3 (30 points) He has some pretty good range on the double-jointed knees and elbows. The shoulders feel good to move, though they are hampered by the large shoulders pads. This is a design thing and I don't think the sculptors could get around that aesthetic. The head interestingly has two parts, a swivel on top of a disc that can rotate up or down. Neat! The rest is fairly standard McFarlane fare: solid joints that are mostly ratcheted, and inte almost no forward ab motion, and interestingly this time there is no toe hinge! I do appreciate that, especially on such a heavy figure. Toe hinges just make it easier to fall forward. 

Accessories: 1/1 He comes with a card, a stand, and his plasma rifle. The rifle is really well sculpted and painted, and fits so nicely in two hands or one. 

Fun Factor: 3/3 I love love love this release. It still looks awesome and imposing to me. It ends up being dynamic despite the weight. Face the fact you won't get it into crazy martial arts poses, and just sweet gunning poses and you'll enjoy it! It manages to fit into some vehicles well too! 

Verdict: 9/10 Worthy! This is just a cool-looking Sci-fi armoured soldier at the very least, and if you loved painting or playing Warhammer, this is a nice solid action figure representation. I would think army building these would be a must if you have the finances for it. Very cool! 

Head shot: Pretty cool. I kind of prefer the classic
triangular ventilator at the front of the helmet,
though maybe this is a Primaris look thing. 

Sweet Blood Angel symbol. I like
that the red used here is very reflective
for a good blood drop look

"What? I decorated the front of the tree
good enough!"

Kind of impressed he can hold it one-handed. It is a very heavy gun!

This is about as high laterally as his arms and legs
can move. It really isn't bad given his armour.

Alternate grip for his weapon? Watch as the
fanboys descend upon me in righteous fury

When he realizes his side is just
as bad as any other faction

Probably fits on the bike better than any other figure
I have!

Let's ride!

My old painted (mostly) army of Blood Angels from
2000 with the new..GOD MARINE!

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