Wednesday, April 29, 2020

3rd Annual Top 10 (11!) Most Viewed Action Figures!

It's that time again! I first posted on this blog on April 27th of 2017, so here's to year three!
I've bee admittedly far less active this year for blogging, though this time has given me more chances to do so recently. This year I've been branching out more into collecting some less mainstream toy lines as well as diving heavily into the Mafex Christopher Nolan Batman Trilogy figures. I did mention the last year that I'd be buying the S.H. Figuarts version of PS4 Spiderman but that never happened (it is really hard to find and ridiculously expensive now)

Honourable mention also goes out to the Do you Even Bootleg Mafex Batman Justice league post that actually garnered the most views out of anything else, but isn't technically one figure! Also, note one entry has two figures because it came in a two-pack I reviewed together, so technically this is 11!

Without further ado, here are your most viewed of 2019-2020!

Unique Shield Storage award!


Fully armoured

10. I Am Elemental - Courage
A toy line of female action figures meant for any gender, this line shows a lot of class and character. Though many of the sculpts are similar, they have a lot of neat pieces, and each figure is based on a female figure in history or mythology. Courage is based on Joan of Arc, the woman who divined battle outcomes in the 1400s and inspired others to victory. The figure is so poseable it makes me wish other female figures from Hasbro/etc gave the same treatment for female figures they did the male figures.

Where's that bendy wire at!

Best grapnel poses!

This one is the grim darkest of knights!

9. Mafex Justice League Batman This is one of my personal favourites out of the 10. Say what you will about the Justice League movie and Batfleck, this is a great figure. Really good sculpt, possibility, accessories, and striking resemblance to Batfleck makes this an awesome piece for any collector. My only wish would be that his cape had bendy wire!

Most Accurate representation of a figure!

...and unhealthiest lifestyle choices!

8. S.H. Figuarts Spike Spiegel  Cowboy Bebop is one of my all-time favourite anime. This figure is a perfect representation of that and I can't really think of any way I'd change or improve it. It does suffer due to the design of being floppy with thin joints for balance, so good luck using anything but a stand for posing, but otherwise fantastic.
Mild Mannered Disfigured cop

Hysterical Clown Murderer! 

Best details for a Suited figure Award!

7. Mafex Joker (Cop Version) I may have bought him for the extras for the first Joker figure by Mafex, but on his own merits, he's really well done. Lots of options here even with just the figure by itself!
Basic Batman: Best Cape Award

Training Batman


6. Mafex Batman Begins Sorry if you're tired of seeing Mafex all over this list, but it's what I bought! I can't help it. This is a great Batman Nolan figure, only bested by Mafex's Dark Knight 3.0 in my opinion. His Christian Bale head isn't perfect, but his poseabilty and that wired cape! Good stuff.

My favourite Batgirl colour scheme

It's nice having both for options to photo Oracle with
Gordon and Batgirl with the Batfmily

Most Righteous Gymnastics moves Award

5. Arkham Knight Oracle and Batgirl 2-Pack I had seen these for a while and finally getting them in hand was better than I thought. Batgirl is certainly not the most poseable in the line, which is too bad, but she's so striking and shiny with her black and gold (my favourite Batgirl suit) that I couldn't resist! Also, cool that they put Oracle here with her wheelchair and everything!

Best Look Alike to an Actor
Most terrifying accessories for another figure!

4. Mafex Scarecrow He's spooky and cool and wow did he ever come with some unique accessories to hold like the mask and lighter! I did, in fact, buy him for the Demon Batman pieces to go with the Begins Batman, but on his own, he's still got the stuff. The Cillian Murphy head sculpt is on point!

Best rasengan

3.Bandai Figure-Rise Naruto Uzumaki kit: This was the first figure kit I ever built and I gotta say it was super fun! Less enjoyable is the stickers but the magnet accessories are really neat. His articulation isn't exactly S.H. Figuarts style and the legs pop out of their pegs ridiculously easily but they did fairly well. Definitely the best Rasengans!

Woe is I, smitten with

Worst of the Year Award! Says
right there on the chart

2. Dr. Harleen Quinzel
 There's always that one figure on the list that makes me wonder why it got so many views! Just like the Playmates April O'Neil from last year, this was my least favourite acquisition of the year! The only reason she made it into the collection was so I could acquire Electrocutioner and Shiva in the 3 pack. Her sculpt is good and paint is fine but she basically can't even stand unassisted. She needs a cure for a poor stance! Is there a doctor in the house?

Smallest Accessories You'll Probably Lose award! 

Sweet transformation

1. Mafex Two-Face This one villain doesn't have accessories for others but rather is just a cool figure. I love that you can switch him from his pre-burnt Harvey Dent into full Two-Face (though he's only called that in the movie in a rumour mill scene in the world of law enforcement). Crispy!

Ranked from 1-10, front to back

Battle of Good vs. Evil

The Squad

The Crazies

There you go folks, another year done. The next year promises more McFarlane toys as I'm happy with some select offerings he has made so far, and I will undoubtedly getting more Batman figures from both S.H. Figuarts and Mafex.

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