Friday, January 26, 2018

DC Icons - Supergirl (Rebirth)

Kara-Zor El is the cousin of Superman and has undergone a death, retcon and many redesigns over the years. She has the fully matured powers of Superman but with less of the fine control he has had from years living under a yellow sun.

This is the Rebirth version of Supergirl which means she is primarily based off the TV show Supergirl starring Melissa Benoist. Her costume design is a mix of some previous costume elements from other comics. I am really not big into the Superman/Kryptonian storylines but this figure and the Super Sons comics caused my figure-addicted brain to DEMAND I buy this figure.

I really like the proportions and look of this figure. I try on occasion to buy female figures that aren't overly sexualized, which can be quite difficult! Now she does have a skirt but consider for a moment that she doesn't have an exposed midriff, cleavage and isn't wearing actual red underwear with nothing else (unlike the other iterations of Supergirl). This version has a strong facial expression and comes with a few nice accessories. The cape that overhands the shoulders is a tiny big annoying if you want to get her shoulders up, but the material is very thin plastic that does have give to it.

Sculpt&Paint: 4/5 Good. I really like the clean paint details on the body, and soft plastic used for the cape and skirt. The boots are sweet, and the face has well painted eyes and a determined facial expression. There is a lack of shading and it is missing some darker eyeliner and lips compared to the Rebirth comic version, but overall pretty well done.

Articulation: 4/5 Good (27 points).  Pretty standard articulation for DC Icons and it includes the trend of using drop-down hinged thighs which allow a nice thigh swivel as well as amazing double jointed elbow range. The only downsides is limitations in range of motion that are classic for female figures: 1) Hip motion limited by skirt 2) Hair limits the range of head movement. And another thing! The shoulder-hang on the cape stops the arms from moving up easily at 90 degrees from the body.

Price/Availability: 4/5 Good. This figure still sells on Amazon, BBTS, and some physical stores at its original price. Worth it!

Accessories: 4/5 Good. Super-Kryptonians don't really need a ton in the accessory department. She comes with an air stand, which I think needs a way to anchor both feet so that one doesn't slip from a pose. The extra head has a nice aesthetic with the laser vision attack, though looks pretty weird without the laser effect plug-ins! She comes with two sets of hands: punching and open hands for flight. Pretty good!

Fun Factor: 3/5 Okay. She is really cool to look at and pose, HOWEVER....there is limit to articulation range that makes it hard to pose sometimes, and the small booted feet causes her to fall over a bit easier than an equivalent male figure.

Verdict: 19/25 Good! Overall a really nice figure! I have a few small bones to pick with it, but I really like the look and quality of this Supergirl. Good job on this one, DC!

Up close. Best female DC icons sculpt so far! 

Nice accessories...but damn that head is
creepy sans the lasers! 

Fly by pose!

Size comparison. She LOOKS decent but she's actually taller
and her legs are hella long
Let's see how good your Kryptonian kung fu is! 


Not the worst accessory, but it took a bit of work to get them
to parallel well. 

Super punch!

Super kick!

I definitely like her sculpted chest "S" but I like the painted
back of Superman better. 

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