Thursday, January 26, 2023

McFarlane Toys Aang Avatar State Gold Label - Avatar: The Last Airbender


Aang being the titular character of the show has a lot to do from the very start. First, his entire nation of Air monks has been completely wiped out by the Fire nation, so does he rebuild? He has been in a hibernating state for the last 100 years, allowing the Fire Nation to take control and commit atrocities when left unchecked. How does he deal with his guilt over running away from his destiny? Finally, how does he restore balance to both the physical world and spiritual world while also finding masters to help him learn to bend the other elements? I love how despite his changes in the show, he maintains a peaceful and harmonious outlook no matter how awful things become. 

This figure is the Gold Label version of the Avatar State and once again a pretty good rendition of Aang. They got the oranges and yellows, though I find them a bit muted. Lots of sculpted folds and I like the paint they used for the Avatar state effects on the head and hands. The articulation is fairly good but McFarlane standard. I find his head a little too big, especially when you compare it to the other figures in the same line. Overall good, and there are quite a few other choices for Aang if you buy other figures: Regular angry faced Aang with staff and Air scooter, Avatar State Aang on air scooter (no leg movement), and Happy Aang with Momo. 

Sculpt/Paint: 3/3 I think they nailed this one pretty well, though I wouldn't mind if they toned down that huge Aang head like, 10-20 percent. REally nice paint application for the Avatar effects and lots of well sculpted folds in the monk gear. 

Articulation: 2/3 (29 points) Normally this would be 30, but unlike Zuko, you can barely get a swivel out of both ab joints here. McFarlane terrible at ab joints, and I don't know why they can't get it right, or if they just don't care. Everything else works really well though! 

Accessories: 1/1 He comes with a water spike effect that fits over the fist (I think it would've been better off as a water whip effect), his staff, and an attachable wind scythe effect that fits on the end of it. Pretty good! Labeled stand as well. 

Fun Factor: 2/3 I think I've figured out why I am not raving about these. They are good, but I think because I love the series so much and I really wanted a very poseable (near an import-level range of motion) figure, I wanted these to be more than they were going to be. They can still balance well and you can get some really good looks out of them though, so hard to fault them too much. 

Verdict: 9/10 Once again a top-notch figure for me. I love the show, and I might just pick up all the alternate Aangs and Zuko's for this line if they keep going. You should too if you're a fan! 

En garde!

Posing in stances is always a bit
tricky with McFarlane stuff. Very stiff
ratcheted ankle joints and stiff hip motion.

Almost like he's on his air scooter!

Excellent splits though!


Water/ice whip?

The wind woosh effect is cool, but maybe
a little TOO transparent for photo tastes

All the accessories. Really wish he had 
a second staff holding hand and punching hand

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