Sunday, December 12, 2021

McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Robin King - Dark Knights: Metal

 Yet another Bruce Wayne of the Dark Multiverse is Robin King. Even though I've read the comics and have done some cursory searching, there's no listed Earth negative number for him, but basically, imagine if Bruce had been homicidal as a kid. In this story, Bruce stabs the mugger in the alley, THEN kills his parents with the mugger's gone! Sounds like there were lots of red flags before!

Hearing a robin chirp at his parent's funeral, he took that as a delusional sign of joy, and eventually became a leader of youths who would overthrow the old order of power. He would lead them and become the Robin King, and eventually when Perpetua executes her plan with the Batman-Who-Laughs to take over the Multiverse, would be in charge of the Crow Robins. 

This figure looks pretty neat. I like the face application and general design. I think that's the big draw for me to all the Dark Metal figures: how they capture a dark, corrupted alternate version of Batman with a quick backstory and a sweet aesthetic design. Being a smaller figure, they've gone the route of their other scaled-down figures of having slightly fewer points and poseability. His one, in particular, is kinda rubbery-overlay feeling many places, and the ankles are difficult to balance despite the large boot size. 

Sculpt/Paint: 2/3 There sculpt is always very well done on there. The cape's folds are realistic and not too symmetrical, the crown of thorns is appropriately big and intimidating, and the mix of black and classic Robin costume elements comes together well. I will say that for the most part that paint is ok, but they always seem to miss out on details here. With some figures, the boot laces are painted, but not this one. The thorns have no shading, making them look more like a brown spiky blob than woody textures. 

Articulation: 2/3 (26 points) He is missing double-jointed elbows and knees, though the arms seem to bend with enough range. The ab crunch just barely moves back due to the rubber overlay. That said, like many of the figures it has enough posing options to be interesting. The ankles are pretty annoying to get right, and I wish that they'd stop doing so many ratcheted joints. They don't super help and more hinder posing. 

Accessories: 1/1 They do include another set of hands aside from the open claw hands: a punching hand a slightly more closed hand. That's a nice touch! I wish they'd do that with all of the figures. Because this is a build a figure, they also include the torso of the Dark Father Batman. Also the stand and card. 

Fun Factor: 2/3 The draw here is always the sculpt and how he matches well with the other pale-faced, dark and frightening Dark Knights's metal line. He works well alongside the others and can have a commanding presence. 

Verdict: 7/10 Limited This is a pretty niche figure, and may not even have a general appeal to Batman fans or DC fans. That said, a decent figure and good for completing the Dark Father and Dark Knights Metal line. I do love how he looks alongside the team though! 

Pretty good scary-looking closeup! I like that
they chose whited out mask eyes. Reminds
me of how they used to always do it in the 90s!

Pretty good cape folds and they
did shade the black feather


I got too excited and didn't 
take pictures of the Dark Father parts
before assembling them!

The Crew!

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