Thursday, December 24, 2020

McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse: Batman - Dark Knights: Metal

 Did I buy this whole line so I could complete the Merciless build-a-figure to complete my Dark Knights: Metal villains? Yes. But are they all good figures?? Also yes! 

This iteration of Batman uses his DC Rebirth suit of black and grey with yellow highlights around the bat symbol and utility belt, but with a rough Badlands-apocalypse type look. This represents the very first artwork Capullo released for the Dark Knights: Metal storyline: Batman holding two axes, bloodied, tattered cape set against a hellish background. That's pretty metal! 🤘

This is a cool version of Batman. He keeps his DC Rebirth suit but is all shredded. They sculpted in those details wonderfully, as well as the intense expression on Batman's face. The articulation is tight but not too tight, and the axes look great. One or two paint details I find are missing comparing it to the original artwork. I REALLY don't need any more Batmen (Except the Black version of Mafex Hush), but with the build a figure piece, and the sweet axes, I couldn't resist. 

Sculpt/Paint: 4/5 They did a pretty good job of making that yellow pop and having a nice light grew with the black pieces. His gauntlets are sculpted and boots are sculpted in a style not familiar to me but they're cool anyway! I like that they paid attention to his tears and rips, and how stylized the head and neck shape is to give a that tense look! One thing I do miss having is painting either skin or bloodied details on the inside of the tears, and putting some bloody red paint around the face and mouth! I will likely do that myself cause it will make it 100% more badass. I find the hands and feet a bit smaller but nothing offputting. 

Articulation: 5/5 Standard Mcfarlane. There is a pretty good range of motion all around, and double-joints everywhere. I really like that they put a joint at the base of the neck, as I'm finding it more useful in some regards than having a double ball joint at the top of the neck. It gives both the attitude and allows a far tilt forward, and a so-so tilt upwards. 

Accessories: 2/5 He comes with two awesome axes, his stand, card, and two arms for the Merciless build a figure. I like how they painted the axes though I find them awkward to stick in his hands. Not sure this particular one needs much more. I may have to change my accessory rating! 

Fun Factor: 3/5 I really like this Batman. He's got decent balance, his axe poses are great, though I do find like most McFarlane  DC Multiverse he's very top-heavy, even with the stand pegged into his boot. The best thing though is his attitude. I'm growing to see that one of the best things McFarlane can do is make interesting facial expressions outside the standard action figure neutral face. 

Verdict: 14/20 Good Very cool figure. I'd definitely get it if you're collecting cool Batman's or the Dark Knight's Metal figures. Otherwise, he's a tattered Batman in a DC Rebirth outfit with axes! Worth it especially for the Build-a-Figure. 

Excellent expression. Interesting that the bat symbol
joints the cape. Usually didn't see it that way. 

What a swoosh! I don't mind this effect
since for the character and attitude it works well

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