Wednesday, September 15, 2021

McFarlane Toys Eredin - Witcher 3 Video game


Eredin Breacc Glas AKA Sparrowhawk is the fearsome leader of the Wild Hunt in the appropriately titled Witcher 3: Wild Hunt video game by CD Projekt Red. It was a fantastic game, and I think I liked the two DLC's Blood and Wine and Heart of Stone as much as the original game story content. ANYWAY, Eredin is an elf who by succession becomes the leader of the wild hunt, whose original objective was to raid villages and take humans as slaves for the elves. Over time, they lose the ability to use gates to travel to different worlds. The only way to quickly travel again was to use Elder Blood, present in the mysterious Cirri, adopted by Geralt the Witcher. This said, Eredin for the main villain gets the LEAST screentime I've ever seen, not that it isn't impactful or ominous...but it's very little. 

This figure is a great representation of Eredin, full of great armoured textures, with a fantastically sculpted skull helm worn by him in the game. Too bad they never go with an unmasked head but instead save it for extra sales mileage in another figure that is nearly identical. A lot of the armour and parts are surprisingly rubbery, which I wasn't expecting. Even the shin guards! 

Sculpt & Paint: 3/3 They nailed it with this one. A bit shinier gold than I remember the feel and tone of the game, but it's very accurate to the final battle of Geralt vs. Eredin on the ship. I'm always really impressed that McFarlane goes all out with the textures of their figures. There are so many interesting ones here from the armor to the underlay to the cloth parts and half cape. All amazing. 

Articulation: 2/3 (27 points) It's the maximum you get out of McFarlane with some limitations in the range of the head (because helmet), waist (because he hates making figures with noticeable ab cuts), and the lack of 90-degree range in the knees (because...bulky as hell calf armour). And despite the range of limitations, for what the fully armoured figure is, it works pretty well, especially considering Eredin as a fighter wasn't super mobile or dynamic or anything. He sports single jointed elbows and knees, but the thighs and shoulder rotations work well. 

Accessories: 1/1 He comes with what he needs, the sword, the extras of the stand with the Witcher 3 game font on it and the card. This particular figure didn't even need extra hands.

Fun Factor: 2/3 I'm loving the cool armoured figures on my shelf from McFarlane, so this one is a nice addition. He's actually got decent leg movement to allow a few dynamic poses so I'm happy about that, even if he's not the most articulated or shiniest of the bunch. 

Verdict: 8/10 Worthy Really cool figure if you want a cheaper 7-inch scale scary skull night figure or if you love the Witcher 3 game (like I do) and need a villain for Ciri and Geralt. Worthy! 


That is a NICE backview

I always love it when they create
swordsman figures that can hold them two handed

RIGHT in the eyeball-brain pathway!

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