Sunday, March 14, 2021

McFarlane DC Multiverse Grim Knight - Dark Knights: Metal

 Here we have another Dark Multiverse alternate Batman! Batman using guns isn't really a new thing, in fact, Detective Comics #27 had Batman use a machine gun at a criminal! The original idea for the character was an inspired pulp hero like The Shadow. Anway! So here as usual Joe Chill kills Batman's parents, but drops the gun while trying to take Martha's pearls. Kid Bruce grabs the gun and kills him. Can't say I blame this one! He later learns all the deadly tricks of combat and in his first year as Batman starts taking down the wealthy elite protecting Gotham's criminals by burning them alive! Hardcore!

He stashes and uses guns he's had all around the city. Needless to say, this Dark Universe builds up with the good characters of the world trying to control his absolute Judge Dredd attitude, and it's about to end when The Batman Who Laughs asks him to join his squad as his second in command on the prime infected world. 

I gotta say, it's all the crazy guns that drew me to this one. It also reminded me of the alternate Batman from the future in Batman Vs Superman. He looks kinda neat all stacked up with guns at the back, weapons everywhere on his moulded belts/bandoliers and the grenade launcher and uzi he comes with. Amazing! His poseability is fairly decent despite the belts getting in the way, and as a plus, though his ankles look oddly chopped up, he's got a solid balance and stance. I like the head sculpt, though sideways it appears a bit bizarre. My one wish is that they had bothered to paint the belt parts and's all just plain gray-black that isn't very inspiring. I will definitely end up doing this. 

Sculpt/Paint: 3/5 I like the sculpt all the way. So many moulded guns, knives, ammo cases etc. The overall body is good here with great textures and a mix of shiny black for the boots, steel for the bracers and knee pads and a shiny blue-gray for the bat symbol. Really a bit cheesed at how there's no paint in many other places. This seems like mounting proof that McFarlane did these releases too quickly, and the lack of paint shows this! 

Articulation: 5/5 (30 points) He's a bit limited in the waist, though not as bad as you'd think. The double-jointed knees and elbows work well. The ankle cut is uuugly but it works ok. Not the best range, but keeps him stable. The hip twist is limited as usual, but the legs will get him in most of the poses you need. 

Accessories: 1/1 He comes with his backpiece a la many guns (6 moulded ones), uzi, grenade launcher and the card/stand. Why no paint....feels like getting those old Playmate TMNT figures where it was just a one colour mould. 

Fun Factor: 4/5 When all is said and done, he's cool and would be a sweet face off for Deathstroke who isn't afraid of using guns either. Despite this being an evil Batman, I kinda relate to this being a more likely Batman story than the others in the Dark Multiverse. Good poses and balance + accessories = I like it! 

Verdict: 7/10 Limited This would've been higher minus the paint. As is though, maybe you don't need it? However, if you do have a hankering for a Punisher-style Batman who looks kinda badass, or you are collecting the Dark Knights Metal villains (me), then this is 100% for you! 

I like his weapons and glad I painted them up a bit!

Leaping into killing destruction! 

Can hold his launcher with 
both hands! That's pretty good
joint bending for lower-priced figure!

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