Saturday, November 21, 2020

DC Collectibles Killer Croc - Arkham Origins

Killer Croc, Aka Waylon Jones is a character created in 1983 to add to Batman's rogues' gallery. He has a rare disorder responsible for his condition aided by a kind of metagene; this allows him very tough skin, incredible strength and a keen sense of smell among others. In most comics, he is taller than the average person, but in the Arkham game series, he is MASSIVE, standing at about 11 feet tall. To add to that, in Arkham Knight's Most Wanted DLC, he is experimented on to further exaggerate his reptilian traits to make him even more monstrous and crocodile-like. 

The Arkham games also make him far more cannibalistic and vicious (not that he ever wasn't these things per se). He sports teeth that grow beyond his mouth, a massive frame, and has is basically singularly focused on eating and killing. He must use money for something though because in Arkham Origins he is part of the 8 assassins that seek to collect 50 million dollars for Batman's head. 

This figure is the craziest, largest 7-inch scale figure I own and unless I get Clayface, Solomon Grundy or Titan Joker, likely the largest I will ever own. He is glorious.

The details on him are fantastic. Tons of shading, great sculpt work and for such a huge figure, really decent articulation! He doesn't come with anything, but there isn't really anything you could put with him minus maybe an alternate head or other hands. 

Sculpt/Paint: 5/5 Stellar work here. They shade the greens of his skin tones so well with lots of variations from the larger to smaller scales. The paints and small parts are well sculpted, and everything looks dead-on for the game. 

Articulation: 4/5 (25 points) I wasn't expecting much from this one after the disappointing articulation on Bane and knowing that often larger figures either lack articulation or range due to their bulk (the latter being a reasonable issue that comes with the sculpt). His head moves around on a large ball joint, his ab crunch allows some decent forward and back, and he comes with a waist swivel that is only slightly offputting at certain twisted positions. The shoulders are too bulky to raise up horizontally, but his hinge swivel elbows and swivel bicep allows decent arm movement. His wrists are also hinged swivel. The thigh joints are impressive but SUPER gappy and kind of ugly when standing straight. They give him decent splits and also forward movement. I worry they seem to have made these with clear plastic joins though which are much more likely to break. Gotta watch those! The knees have decent bend with swivels and the ankles are also forward-facing pins with hinges. Nice overall! 

Accessories: 1/5 While I get not putting anything for accessories with Killer Croc, I kinda feel every figure ever these days should at least come with extra hands or something. That may be a little bit unfair considering it is a deluxe figure made years ago, but that's the rating system! Maybe this part needs to be amended? 

Fun Factor: 2/5 He is SO cool which gets him 2 points. The imposing monstrous size is enough. Unfortunately, you will absolutely not get this guy to stand up on his own unless it's a vanilla pose though. To add to that, the joints in the thighs and shoulders are very easy to push too much and break. He can't hold poses without a stand or several to keep him from crashing into all your other figures! His feet also weren't designed to be very stable. They are pretty small for his size and slip easily due to their design. 

Verdict: 12/20 Good He's super cool to add to your Arkham collection, though be careful with this one! He's likely to break with overplay or if you're not careful about how you display him. After getting this guy at a reasonable deal on eBay, I feel everyone should have one huge character in their collection, and if that collection is Arkham, Arkham Origins or both this is a very nice addition! 

Blood and shading details
on the arm bandages. Very nice!
A cunning killer's face! 

Impressive back details but
those hip caps be cray

7/8 Assassins plus Batman! They look 
good together. Hopefully one day I'll find
Firefly at not a ridiculous markup.
Here's stand-in 4 inch scale Arkahm Asylum
Killer Croc (left, standing at 6 inches), and 
Arkham Origins at 13 inches (BEAST)

Decent kick but this Mafex stand
barely cuts it here supporting his massive
top-heavy weight. 

It was tricky hooking his claw into Batman's 
neck but it worked!

Beatdown scene, which was more like an 
exposition scene to let Batman know
everyone was after him

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