Thursday, January 9, 2020

DC Essentials - Red Hood (Rebirth)

Though I don't particularly like his personality, Red Hood comes by it honestly as both a character that was kicked to the curb both in the real world and forgotten by his family. Jason Todd is the youth delinquent that managed to steal off the Batmobile and consequently became the second Robin.

From '83 until '88 he was just that. He wasn't particularly popular with fans though, and there was an actual phone-in poll to decide by fans whether to scrap him or keep him alive. In the storyline "A Death in the Family" he was killed off by a narrow margin of votes. He was later resurrected as the Red Hood, a vigilante willing to do just about anything in the name of Justice. He is definitely lawful to his own code rather than a strictly moral one.

What I like most about Red Hood is his character design. Awesome shiny red motorcycle helmet, leather jacket, his own symbol based on the intensification of his mentor's and dual pistols. He's a crafty fighter and the best example of this I've seen is through the Arkham Knight game, as well as the DC animated film, Under the Red Hood. This figure is AWESOME especially for the price of about 30ish CAD dollars. He is a DC Essentials which means very few accessories but here it's enough. His paint and design are great, and aside from some limits in ankle movement, he's got good articulation and is a spot-on representation of the Red Hood from the newer Rebirth continuity.

Sculpt/Paint: (4/5) I love this character design. All the elements and colours work really well. The shininess of his helmet is fantastic, they put details of paint into his knuckles and nice black outline for the eyes. The only thing they could've added maybe (but unlikely at the price point) is to add shading to his jacket and suit.

Articulation (5/5 - 33 points): He's got great articulation. This is my first DC Essentials figure so I was happy to see they put in ball swivels into the ankles. His shin and foot guards somewhat limit the movement but it's pretty great and easy to pose dynamically. He's got the now-standard double jointed knees and elbows. His head moves up super well, he's got a decent crunch and waist movement though no side to side waist movement. He also has both a thigh swivel and a boot cut swivel. Nice!

Accessories (3/5): He includes two pistols which are very simply painted (no barrel paint). He has two fist hands and two gripping hands for the weapons. I do really appreciate that they fit into his hands well and his holsters, which are a made of a soft rubbery material. Because of the "essentials" nature of this line, this will probably be the highest rating in this category for a DC Essentials should I buy anymore.

Fun Factor (4/5): Maybe it's the new factor or how I have so few cool figures like Red hood with the double pistols but he's great! He balances fairly well, is solid, and looks great dual-pistol wielding all over the place! Highly recommend as one of the best Red Hood figures out there for a comic book look.

Verdict (16/20) Great: He's a really cool figure and if you are fans of the Robins, Batman, Red hood, comic book figures or anything in between this is a must for you. DC Essentials, maybe I've changed my mind about you....this one has won me over!

Love the shininess!

Back view

Excellent splits! The flexible rubbery holsters and hip
loops don't hinder movement at all (unless you have the gun in)

Nice balance and one leg kick!

Lock and load!

Dual pistol time!

Cleric of Graviton style!
(See; Equilibrium movie)

Can still somehow look ok
doing a half draw out of the holsters!

Comparison in height: Arkham City Batman, DC Icons Nightwing, DC Direct
Red Robin and Arkham City Robin (Tim Drake)

He scales pretty well with the 7 inch Arkham figures!
Just remember he's not as decked out in Body armour like the other

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