Sunday, February 17, 2019

S.H. Figuarts - Naruto (Sage Mode)

If it hasn't been apparent from this blog yet, I am a Naruto fan in the same way I'm a Batman fan.
Love the franchise, am still watching the next generation show, Boruto, and love the figures that S.H. Figuarts has released. I wish they would release as many as they do Dragonball Z figures, but unfortunately, it seems it's not their priority right now since they haven't really released any since the Boruto figure (March 2018) and this figure (April 2018). That's nearly a full year now. Sorry if you're a fan of this line like I am, but I think the line is officially dead. They are still producing new statues, but that's just not my cup of tea!

Onto the fun stuff! This figure is great in so many ways. Earlier, they released an identical figure to this one without the robe, scroll or interchangeable arms (what were they thinking?). I held off on buying it, and am glad I did. Not only can you capture the scene where he fights Pain, but you can switch him to his regular figure as well as the face that shows the Sage mode (where he gets POWER MASCARA! Just kidding...)

His accessories also include a stand to hold up the large Rasen shuriken effect. So great!
And like the previously released figure, his colours are much brighter compared with the one originally released (which is still one of my favourites and have already reviewed here: Naruto Review

I would be shocked if you were an action figure collecting fan of the show but didn't have this figure. This is the only other figure that shows a mode other than his base form. The one criticism I have is sizing, and I haven't really checked this out in depth, so it may, in fact, be accurate. I find his size to be too small, and that's mostly in proportions all around, not in height exactly. This is especially apparent when compared to the first release of the Naruto figure. The arms, legs, just everything is slimmer, and maybe not ideally so.

Sculpt/Paint: 5/5 Really bring colour apps here that are all very well done from the removable pieces like the cloak and scroll to the details on the eyes and clothes. Sculpt wise, I feel they made the face and other proportions too small, but that seems a more subjective thing since I'm used to handling and viewing the first release figure and how it stands up against the other figures in the line.

Articulation:5/5 Really great articulation here in nearly every aspect. One thing this figure does better than the original iteration is that the shoulder socket joints are a bit more natural and have a bit more range moving across the body. The ankles also have a bit more range. One thing it actually does a bit worse in the hip joints and waist/ab crunch. While the hips are also drop-down joints that do allow some really good range, the original figure has a much bigger drop and can do some greater poses kicking forward. The ab crunch on the wrinkled jacket Naruto figures have never had tons of range, but the Sage mode is definitely more restricted. You can barely twist his waist or get him to crunch forward or backwards.

Price/Availability: 3/5 This one has gone up in price even though it has been a year since its release.
On Amazon, it's a ridiculous 145 CAD at this point, and other online stores have it a bit cheaper but still have it quite above its original price. You might have better luck at your local convention!

Accessories: 5/5 The accessories are top notch, with the Rasen Shuriken being something I really enjoy for its size and sculpting. The best thing they did with this figure is adding in the crossed arms and removable pieces for the sleeves of the red cloak. This way not only can he assume his pose at the start of the Pain battle, but also have his arms mobile, and then also be able to shed them for a traditional Shippuden look. The stand is a nice addition and the faces are great. The rest is the more standard things like hands and kunai knives.

Fun Factor: 5/5 He looks amazing on the shelf, is easy to balance, has great poseability and even though people complain sometimes about having made more Naruto figures instead of others in the line (a sentiment which I mostly share), I'm still glad they made the figure and it turned out great. A MUST for a Naruto figure collector and just an all-around cool anime figure.

Verdict: 23/25 Great This is a great figure, an improvement upon the first Sage Mode release, and the colour choice is objectively better than the first release (though I cherish it still!).  If you're a Naruto action figure fan and missed picking this one up, if you can get it at 100 CAD or less (20ish above the original price) I would still highly recommend picking it up as it does so many things well.

No neutral face, but this is the non-Sage Mode face

Sage Mode Activate! 

Oh, he mad

Shadow clone jutsu!

Sprinkler dance Jutsu!

Pretty good kickin'!


Rasen Shuriken! Completely
balanced in his hand as for some reason
there is no peg for this one.


Nice that you can detach the scroll
case from his back. The strap
is also removable. 

Frog kumite!

At one point he did manage to use two Rasen-shuriken

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