Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Playmates Toys' April O'Neil - TMNT 2012

April O'Neil has undergone probably the most changes throughout the entirety of the TMNT Universe. See below!
Image result for april oneil 1987 to 2018

In the 2012 cartoon, she is a half-human, half-Kraang 16-year-old girl who starts as the turtles' friend but quickly develops into a badass telekinetic powered, fan-wielding shinobi of her own.
I like that they give her more of a prominent role in the series, as they did with the 2003 version of April. I have to say though, while I did love the show and most of the animation used, the way human bodies and faces were done was probably the least appealing part of the show for me. Something about the aesthetic never sat well with me.

While most parts are fairly spot on for sculpt and paint, she is fairly disappointing as a figure in a few ways. First, the face sculpt is really overly glossy and poorly defined. Next, while the accessories are mostly fine, there isn't a war fan or two in there. Her hands are quite small and soft and do not hold onto weapons well, and finally, her articulation is much worse than all the others figures I had collected up to this point.

Sculpt/Paint: 1/5 Really bad work on the head sculpt. For the most part, you can't easily tell she has a mouth without some really good lighting.The body is ok, but the elbow and knee joints aren't so much joints as they are just rubber. The figure tends to fall easily as well despite the sculpt emulating the series look of having very large boots and a skinny body.

Articulation: 2/5 (12 PoA) She has the typical ball hinge thighs and shoulders for the line, wrist swivel, head swivel, and waist swivel. I really dislike the lack of elbow and knees though, and the way her elbows were sculpted makes it look like she's reaching out quite far when holding accessories. A bit unnatural and zombie-like!

Price/Availability: 2/5 Dang. It isn't exactly hard to find (online anyway) but this particular first release is a ridiculous price on most websites. It's easily 24 CAD and up for what was essentially a 10 CAD dollar children's figure. I don't think I'd even pay the original price for this one.

Accessories: 2/5 (7 weapons, unpainted): She comes with a sword, a shinai (bamboo practice sword, like you see Kendo practitioners use), a tapered tonfa, two diamond shuriken and two smoke bombs. They are all unpainted, which is ok for this line, but it's pretty dang hard for her to hold any of her weapons due to the loose, rubbery plastic used for the arms, wrists and legs.

Fun Factor: 1/5 Really not well done. This figure isn't well balanced and falls often. It's difficult to get her into any poses or do anything much except stand on a shelf with the other turtles. It's a shame too because I enjoy April's design and new role in the show, especially in the later seasons.

Verdict: 8/25 Limited: It's really not something you'd likely pick up unless you're a completionist for the TMNT 2012 set, or if you just really like to have a 2012 series April on your shelf. Like with many toys in the line, none of these details would likely bother kids, but this line isn't for me. To each their own on this one!

Weapons! Lost the second smoke bomb somwehre
but found what I think is hers?!?

Zombie April! 


Bo staff: Longer and more appropriate length for Donny
Smoke bomb! 
"Wait! This is the last TMNT 2012 Review!"

"Let me do it..."



Mass battle! Took so much space the lights got in the shot a bit
but it was fun to put together.