Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Playmates Toys' Raphael - TMNT 2012 series

Raphael the rage machine! He still keeps that mantle, but in the 2012 series he is pretty hilarious himself, and razzes his brothers pretty well. I find along with all the other turtle personalities, I found this series really made me like each one more, whereas the older series I was more ambivalent about most with the exception of Mikey. I've always thought Raph had the most unique/neatest weapons since he uses them for all kinds of purposes in fights, where the sword, staff and nunchaku's have always been pretty one dimensional as a weapon in most iterations of the shows and movies.

This figure has a very dark forest green skin tone, and a pretty similar sculpt to the others. He's about the same height as Leo and comes with his sais, two "half" sais, two tiger head hook swords, and two four-pointed shurikens.

Another solid figure! I like that they sculpted his fingers apart for some more sai posing options.
The next four turtles will be about the same in terms of points/verdict, so skip to the pics if you've seen the first post on Leo!

Sculpt&Paint: 3/5 This figure really comes through with the texturing of the skin, shell, bandages and even the weapons are pretty good. The paint is mostly fine, but it's fairly sloppy in some places, there's nothing on the weapons or belts, and obviously, there's no shading.

Articulation: 3/5 (19 PoA).  Given the old toys I wasn't expecting much range for these guys, but the shoulders and hips offer quite a bit. The elbows and knees are pretty limited in how far you can move them because of the way they made the elbow/knee pads + the overly bulky forearm. No ankles or waists (though you don't see waist articulation much on the turtles in nearly any figure lines except maybe SH Figuarts or Revoltech versions of the tutles).

Price/Availability: 5/5 Dead cheap on eBay. Search up TMNT action figure lots, or even most individual figures (whether that's this line or the 1980s line) and they'll be a dollar or two at most per figure.

Accessories: 2/5 Okay! TMNT figures have always come with their standard weapons and a couple of extra pieces like the shurikens and such. In this case, he has a few extras that are all unpainted, solid grey metal look. Not bad, but definitely would've been nicer painted.

Fun factor: 3/5 These are fairly good playwise! Unlike the older figures that sometimes had a raised up foot, these have flat, wide feed that makes it easier to pose and balance, even kicking. They look fairly decent on the shelf in a collection or a battle display.

Verdict: 16/25 Good. Generally, I will give this type of toy a decent to mediocre rating since I'm an adult toy collector...and this isn't an adult toy! That seems a little unfair perhaps, but ultimately I enjoy the figure and it was the first of four that got me into collecting, so it gets to have some blog time!

Shell view

The accessories

1 comment:

  1. Cool figure. Raph was pretty good on the latest show. While cool for action figure possibilities one of my pet peeves with martial arts media is when someone puts their fingers between the prongs and the blade of a sai. That's where the sword you're fighting goes! Just like you have shown in that last pic. Fun fact: the single prong sai is called a "jitte" and was the official weapon of the police during the Edo period.
