Friday, October 6, 2017

DC Icons - Nightwing (Hush)

As I've said before, Nightwing is easily my favourite of the Bat-family. Where man of the other supporting protagonist characters in the Batman storylines are dour, moody, grim or have outright psychosis (Damian!). He's funny, charming and his fighting style and willpower is unique to his character.

This figure is based on Nightwing's appearance in Hush (2009), where Batman is fighting a mysterious stalker named Hush who is sabotaging him from afar. Nightwing returns to Gotham for a funeral, and gets drawn into the plot by helping Batman uncover a larger plot against him involving Ras Al'Ghul.

This figure features the most minimalist of a Nightwing design, and yet it is superbly done. The paint is clean, the sculpt is fantastic (especially the face) and it does have a mix of shiny gloss and matte paints through the figure. His batons are not detailed, but are sufficient. I like the wingding with rope accessory. The original photo releases featured 2 batarangs, but honestly we don't need any, especially since the DC Icons accessory pack and Batman already have some.

Sculpt&Paint: 9/10 Awesome. This figure's sculpt is really well done. Clean lines on the blue, nice mix of paints, and really well done face sculpt and paint throughout. I really like the glossy black boots.

Articulation: 8/1029 points.Great.
Pros: Same articulation as many Icons except he has the drop down hips! The head is a bit more articulated. Cons: Same lack of up movement in the head. Due to the sculpt, the arms can't completely come up horizontally. Close, but not quite 90 degrees from the body.

Price/Availability: 7/10 Good. This figure was very recently released, so he can be picked up for his original price in most collectible stores and online stores. Happy hunting!

Accessories: 5/5 Excellent. Like the Batgirl figure, there's not a whole lot else they could have included in this figure that was necessary and specifically pertinent to Nightwing. The escrima sticks are plain, but well done. The alternate hands are good too. I especially like they have angled gripping hands, since it allows for much cooler poses. The grapple accessory is also nice.

Fun Factor: 5/5 Excellent. I LOVE Nightwing, and this is the best version, albeit not in a 7 inch scale of this character. He's really fun to pose, even more so than the well articulated Arkham Knight Nightwing figure. This one is top shelf on the Toy Shelf!

Verdict: 34/40 The post speaks for itself. He's just a great figure. That's it!

They could have added a smirk, but otherwise great
My only curiosity is that they didn't just make a angled gripping
left hand. 

high kicking extravaganza!
Not as cool of an x block as previous

Flying Grayson

Now that's some splits! And he balances!

Nightwing grapple

Swinging in!

He wishes he had a real, defined symbol like Batman

See? Can also hold the Batarang. Like royalty! 

Or toss it

All the Nightwings! 

I mean he's definitely shorter, but he's my current favourite.
They're all great in their own way though. 

Nightwing fight

The new Dynamic duo! 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a nice figure. I've always thought that this Nightwing costume was a bit simplistic but it also beats most of his other costumes sooo...*shrug*
