Thursday, February 6, 2020

Mafex Joker (Police ver.) - The Dark Knight

I've already reviewed the Joker here before, and that figure was fantastic. The actor was also obviously fantastic in the film! He did have several costume changes throughout that made him appear disturbing in each and every one! He begins appearing as a bank robber with an angry clown mask then in his standard wear, then as a police officer (no makeup) and then a nurse. Mafex and SH Figuarts has released quite a few of these versions.

I normally am not a big fan of variants or versions of the character that appear so briefly in a film or comic. They are a bit unnecessary and a bit of a money grab usually. THAT SAID....I definitely bought this figure for the alternate arms and head for the original Joker from the interrogation scene. Two for one!!

Anyway, it is a very good figure and Mafex plays well into its specialty in figures with suits! 
Great accessories and very good articulation.

Sculpt/Paint: 5/5 Very top quality here. The head sculpts are excellent, though as always have that blurry quality in dot matrix printing at such a small scale. The suit is nice and glossy and catches the light well. The white gloves are great and the small pieces like the buttons and police symbol on the shoulder are so well done.

Articulation: 5/5 (31 points): The figure has a really nice range of motion for neck and head, shoulders and pretty decent for double-jointed elbows. The left leg has the double peg with a revolving socket for the drop-down hinge, but ALSO has a ratchet joint. Strange! and only on that leg. The knees are single jointed but are good enough. The ankles aren't great but still leagues better than the Ras al'Ghul. Wrists are typical and work well since they put a sleeve cap between the swivel peg.

Accessories: 5/5 I mean he has everything he possibly could from the brief appearance the costume had in the film: multiple gloved hands to hold the rifle, trigger hand, punching fists, a long rifle with straps, hat and the alternate parts for the interrogation joker mode. The arms aren't a perfect fit at covering the Joker 2.0 figure armpit area, but pretty good. As usual, it also includes a stand.

Fun Factor: 3/5 You can get him in a variety of poses with his gun and he looks great in all of them. His balance is decent though you can give him too much of the splits due to the restrictions on his jacket. He does look great in the poses he's supposed to achieve but aside those I'm content with his place among the Mafex Dark Knight trilogy figures. He's really good but not as exciting as others in the line.

Verdict: 18/20 Great. A great figure and the accessories to apply to an existing Joker 2.0 is great. I would say though most people would pass on this though unless, like me, they were dying to get that interrogation Joker look!

With hat

Without hat. The box art definitely makes this
more green than it actually is. 

Interrogation head is fantastic

Ok splits, lots of restriction from the jacket.


Like no other officer noticed
the psycopath wasn't like the others!

Despite not being like this in the film this is an excellent

I definitely prefer the left interrogation head over even the other
two original joker heads. 

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