Sunday, November 10, 2019

I Am Elemental - Courage

Now, this is something a little different: a small company that kickstarted in 2014 with the goal of creating a dynamic, more realistic body proportioned female action figure. I Am Elemental is a group based in New York has received several awards as well as hints of movie deals for their action figure line.

I had seen a few other reviewers with these and with my desire to find a female action figure, ordered Courage (who also came with a Buy One, Donate one figure to a childhood cancer patient, so it was for a nice cause). The figures are inspired by female heroines in history, and this one is inspired by Joan of Arc.

I am really pleased with how well they executed this figure, and aside armour pieces and extras, this seems to be the basic mould for all the female figures. All the figures feature a less sexualized bust to hip ratio and more proportional legs. The figures also have WAY better articulation and yes, they FINALLY made a female figure at this price point that has very good diaphragm articulation.

Paint/Sculpt: 4/5 I really like the domino mask on all the figures and how the to sculpt is a lot more realistic where you feel like you're playing with a female superhero figure and not something trying
to show off the most cleavage. The paint is well done with very few splotches or QC issues. The hair sculpt is pretty neat and I love that you can remove the helmet and armour pieces.

Articulation: 5/5 (30 points) For a female figure I'm quite impressed with both the type and number of joints as well as the range! One thing you'll notice is this figure has, what, TWO waist joints, a decent ball joint at the diaphragm and a waist ball joint. It also has double-jointed elbows instead of what you usually get with most female figures: hinge swivel elbows. Add to this they gave her ball joints for the ankles which are the SUPERIOR joints to put at one of the most key areas when it comes to posing action figures. Are they a little lose on mine? Yes, but it makes a big difference it getting the figure is a variety of poses. Top marks!

Accessories: 3/5 The figure doesn't have the classic accessories of a higher-end figure but they are pretty decent. Courage comes with a flaming sword (though I'm not a big fan of the fact you can't remove the flame effect, or that it is on the hilt of the sword instead of the blade), a nice shield with her name (which you can also slot into a groove in her hip), her chest armor with pauldron, and her helmet. All of these pieces are cleanly painted and fairly well done. I would've liked some fist hands and maybe a different expression to make her stand out more from the other faces in the line.

Fun Factor: 3/5 The figure has a very nice aesthetic, can go in a variety of poses and I enjoy the choices you have with her accessories. Being able to remove pieces is a big plus! One thing that bumps it down

Front of Box

Back of Box

Back of Card. Makes her
sound like a Zord!

Front of Card

Looking badass!

Removable helmet? Check. Makes it easier than
making a new head as well if you're not changing expression

Back of figure. Nothing much
here. It'd be interesting if they
did a bit more for the lower area

Accessories. One thing I missed in the photos
is that you can also remove the armor!

Epic pose! I like that you can clip
the shield onto the hip. Not very
orthodox, but interesting!

She has the power!

You can get her into pretty dynamic poses!

Two-handed sword hold isn't bad!

Nice range of hip motion, as it should be!

1 comment:

  1. That figure looks super neat. I like discovering less mainstream stuff like this.
