Friday, August 24, 2018

DC Collectibles Multiverse - Killer Croc (Arkham Asylum)

Killer Croc has always been more of a fear villain rather than one that makes much sense. Supposedly afflicted with an over-keratinizing skin condition which gives him scaly skin, he suffered abuse and trauma that created a rage which led to..cannibalism! ok!
Eventually, he leads his criminal life into being a cannibal hitman for mobs and becomes one of the eight assassins hired to kill Batman in Arkham Origins. His battle there was a pretty sequential boss fight that requires some waiting and timing. Later he escapes Arkham Asylum and Batman has to race on floating rafts in the sewers to get to a goal while Killer Croc will suddenly rush and attack, forcing the player to throw a Batarang that activates his old shock collar to temporarily subdue him. 
Later he is captured, and in Arkham Knight is heavily experimented on to test his regenerative abilities but it has a negative effect that accelerates his mutation to the point where he grows a tale and becomes more croc like in every way.  If they had made a figure of THAT version I would have also bought it.

For me, my holy grail (read: Way Too Expensive for what they are) figures are the massive hulking figures from the Arkham games. One day, I want, in no particular order: Clayface, Killer Croc, Titan Joker, Solomon Grundy. Now, this figure isn't exactly the killer croc I wanted, but he's a nice stand-in for whenever the other figures aren't like a zillion dollars. He's technically for 4-inch scale figures from the Multiverse line, but he is actually about 7 inches tall, which makes him like a hulking human-sized version of Killer Croc, despite a small head.

The figure is pretty good considering Multiverse, except for recent history, uses DC Classic joints
and poseability. That paint is not bad, though the finish is very gloss-heavy. The articulation isn't anything to write home about, but it's good enough. The head sticks out from his massive shoulders, so it's not possible to turn it without giving him a rather unnatural look. I can say one thing though, despite his mediocrity, he was very cheap! Even compared to his original MRSP.  He's also still better than Suicide Squad Killer Croc by miles. 
Paint & Sculpt: 3/5 This figure compares well enough to the appearance of Killer Croc in the game.  His features are overglossed, there's decent shading throughout the figure from the pants to the scaly bumpy skin. The sculpt is just fine though the face is either ill-defined from the sculpt or from the paint. He's not bad though!

Articulation: 3/5 (18 points): The figure has some decent articulation, some good range in some areas and poorer in most. Good: The forward ab crunch is decent, the waist cut is a bit jarring to look at but does a good job, and the hip joints have really good splits and forward motion. They also put in thigh cuts which helps since he doesn't have ankle joints. Bad: Head just swivels, so you can't make him look anywhere. No ankle joints, knees and elbows severely limited and the worst part is that his shoulders don't allow full lateral movement. Eesh...Keep in mind it is a multiverse figure though, not an SH Figuart.

Price/Availability: 5/5 You can easily find this one on eBay cheap since it's technically meant as a 4inch figure set that came with Nightwing and a bent bar prison door type thingy.

Accessories: 5/5 None. Killer Croc isn't really intended as a character that has accessories, though an opening jaw or interchangeable head would've been fun. Multiverse didn't do any of that extra head stuff until this year however

Fun Factor: 2/5. While he does look good standing next to the villains, even though he's technically not in scale, that's about where the fun ends. His feet bottoms are sculpted exactly like a human would, so it's super hard to stop him from falling forward on a smooth surface. He can't balance particularly well in anything other than an open arrow stance, splits or vanilla stance.

Verdict: 18/25 Good. It's a decent figure to own, especially if you're like me and want to have a cheap Arkham Killer Croc to add to your rogues' gallery. I can't necessarily recommend it for many other reasons than that or if you're collecting Multiverse Arkham/4 inch scale Dc figures. There you have it! Good for my purposes, maybe not for yours!

The back. Pretty good sculpting here.

Face close up. Yikes! How does one close a muth like that
with so many teeth?!
Ready to troll some sewers!
Croc Yoga!
Size comparision with Arkham City Batman and DC Icons
Rebirth Batman. Probably better in scale with the DC Icons, but
it's not bad if you can imagine Killer Croc as human sized roughly

1 comment:

  1. Everything's better than Suicide Squad movie figures. Seriously though he looks pretty decent. As for size Killer Croc was pretty much normal human sized for a good chunk of his history. Even in B:TAS he wasn't as huge as he's portrayed now.
